+6082-265628 [email protected]

Handling Misconduct, Disciplinary Procedures & Actions

Misconduct is a wrongful act with the intention on the part of the employee. It relates to conduct which is inconsistent with the discharge of the employee’s duties and includes error or omission.

Misconduct, when reported, remains an allegation until proven. The company has to prove the misconduct on a balance of probabilities.

This training programme will equip conflict management teams with proper tools and knowledge on how to take proper imperative disciplinary actions including termination which do not lead to legal, time and other resource costs of not only the employer but also the employee and employee unions.

Course Outline:

 MODULE 1: Handling Misconduct

MODULE 2: Progressive Disciplinary Process

MODULE 3: What is a Domestic Inquiry (D.I.)?

MODULE 4: How is a D.I. done effectively

MODULE 5: Unfair Dismissal & Constrictive Dismissal

MODULE 6: Forms of Termination

MODULE 7: Benefits and Consequences of Dismissal/ Termination

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