Performance Management & Appraisal Skills
Based on our experience, Performance Management and Appraisals tends to be one of the essentials in a company that’s often handled badly or not done at all. Performance management and appraisals are often ignored or endured simply because the people doing the appraising/performance managing find it deeply uncomfortable and hard to do.
The training will help participants understand their roles within the company, be assessed on the quality of their work, gain support and encouragement. This programme will be a think tank session for strategies and managers to get hold of high-end knowledge on formulating a framework for business growth as well as identify the benefits of appraisal, the key skills required and how to assess its effectiveness.
Course Outline:
MODULE 1: Overview of Performance Indicators
MODULE 2: Developing an Operational Analysis
MODULE 3: Determining Key Results
MODULE 4: Determining Key Performances Indicators
MODULE 5: Humanizing the KPI Process During Implementation
MODULE 6: The Importance of Staff Appraisal
MODULE 7: Your Responsibilities
MODULE 8: The Appraisal Meeting
MODULE 9: Managing the Performance