Personal Development Analysis
Personal Development Analysis or in short PDA is a behavioural assessment that through a simple, precise and scientific methodology allows us to discover and analyse peoples’ behavioural profiles. It also allows us to evaluate the behavioural and competency requirements of a job thereby ensuring you select and develop the right people into the right positions.
The PDA Assessment does not qualify behavioural profiles as “good or bad”; it describes the evaluated individual’s behavioural characteristics. Therefore, it can be an effective tool to be used in recruitment.
PDA allows you to issue both written and graphical reports in order to perform in-depth analysis. The report provides insight into
- Leadership style
- Decision-making style
- How to lead this person to success
- Persuasive skills
- Analytical skills
- Sales skills
- Motivation level
- Strengths and developmental areas
- Areas to develop
- Individual and / or group compatibility between one or more individuals and a job
- Individual and or group compatibility between one or more individuals and your company’s competencies

MRS is an authorised distributor and local partner with PDA.
We would like to invite you to experience first hand, the effectiveness & accuracy of this test which generates powerful reports that could re-shape the way you handle talent management in your organisation.