Training and development in the workplace are essential for any business that seeks to learn, grow and stay on the top. While it may seem easier to hire people who already have the required skills, this is not a sustainable feature in the long run when unemployment rates drop and only the less qualified remain jobless. In fact, training and development greatly benefits both the employees and company itself which makes the investment worth it when considering the big picture (Frost 2019).

Rapidly changing work environments and hence, work requirements, further emphasise the importance of continuous training and development of a company’s workforce. The real question is not whether employees need training and development, but what kind. There are different types of training today which range from on-job training methods like coaching and job rotation to off-the-job training which would include seminars and public workshops (Juneja 2019).
Both types of training have their time and place and need to be used accordingly as judged by those who call the shots on what trainings to sign employees up for. Trainings such as workshops are often seen as costly and ineffective as employees may not be able to relate the general theories and methods taught to their daily work environments. Hence, the most effective trainings of this nature are those that are tailored to the specific company that the employees work for.
Customised trainings would help employees be better equipped to handle and respond efficiently to their specific work requirements. Hence, businesses should focus on regularly conducting trainings that are tailored specifically to the needs of their business, current trends and employee needs. This may be more costly at first glance, but it will most definitely bring about greater benefits as employees would be equipped specifically to manage their actual work situations. Hence, businesses need a training provider who focus on such customisation and are willing to provide trainings that have you as the customer as priority.
Here at MRS, that is exactly what we strive to provide with each in-house training, a training that offers you and your employees the opportunity to get the most out of each session conducted to ensure that effectiveness and efficiency grows steadily.

Frost, S 2019, ‘The importance of training & development in the workplace’, Houston Chronicles, 5 February, viewed 28 June 2019, <>.
‘Training of employees – need and importance of training’ 2019, Management Study Guide, viewed 1 July 2019, <>.
Ricci, E 2017, ‘What’s on deck for your professional development?’, Entrepreneur, 13 September, viewed 1 July 2019, <>.
Delmore, T 2019, ‘How to modernize learning and development for your team’, Entrepreneur, 26 April, viewed 1 July 2019, <>.
About the author
Melissa Ann Liew holds a Degree in Bachelors of Business (Accounting) from Swinburne University of Technology (SUTS). She is currently pursuing her postgraduate studies at SUTS, in ACCA, to progress further in her journey to becoming a Chartered Certified Accountant. She is a believer in continuous professional development and constantly learning and improving in every aspect.She is currently also doing content writing for MRS Management.
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